Accreditation and Licensing
NAEYC Accreditation
Since 1996, Brown Fox Point has been accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the nation’s largest organization of early childhood professionals. NAEYC accreditation is a rigorous, voluntary process by which early childhood programs demonstrate that they consistently meet national standards of excellence.
Brown Fox Point was one of the first programs in Rhode Island to apply for and receive a BrightStars rating in 2009 as part of the quality rating and improvement system administered by the Rhode Island Association for the Education of Young Children. Our five-star rating is the highest quality rating.
We are licensed by the Rhode Island Department of Human Services.
Providence Award Program selected Brown Fox Point Early Childhood Education Center as the Best Child Care Center for 2022. This award program was created to honor and generate public recognition of the achievements and positive contributions of businesses and organizations in and around Providence.
Executive Director Joe Pinsonneault extends heartfelt appreciation to our families, faculty, staff and Board of Directors for their contributions and commitment to maintaining a program of excellence.
Continuous Quality Improvement
Every year, we use a variety of different mechanisms to gather and report evidence in all areas of the functioning of our program. These mechanisms are connected to the NAEYC accreditation annual report, our BrightStars Quality Improvement and Rating System annual report and Quality Improvement Plan. These reports include a review of all policies and procedures, quality measures including child outcomes, two family surveys every year, fiscal reviews and an annual audit, etc. The findings are then shared with the board, families, staff, and partner agencies.
As part of our state’s Quality Rating and Improvement System, we develop an annual Quality Improvement Plan. This plan is put in place to continue to maintain our five-star rating and is the basis of our funding decisions, capital projects and professional development.
Staff provide regular input in the way of weekly staff meetings, open communication during informal conversations, monthly one-on-one meetings with the Executive Director and the Education Coordinator and an annual director evaluation (submitted anonymously to the board). Families provide input through the annual Executive Director evaluation, two surveys per year on a variety of issues in the organization, family or director-initiated meetings, informal mechanisms and by volunteering to be on the Family Association. Shared decision making and distributed leadership are the hallmarks of our management and governance structures.