Student Assessments
Comprehensive Child Assessment Plan
To provide meaningful curriculum and instruction, regular, on-going, authentic assessment of children's development and learning is essential. Our highly-trained lead teachers collect data on each individual child and maintain both digital and paper-based portfolios of their work to discover their interests, unique characteristics, attitudes and abilities. This information is gathered authentically: instead of subjecting children to instruments, quizzes, and tests, teachers observe what children know and are able to do in their natural environments and relationships throughout the day. Teachers document that information in Procare, our online assessment system, when they are not instructing children.
This regular, iterative assessment drives both individual and group curriculum design. Teachers meet weekly in classroom teacher pairs to discuss children’s needs and to develop appropriate curriculum based on those needs. In addition, cross-classroom teams meet twice weekly with both the Executive Director and Education Coordinator to discuss appropriate, research-based concerns related to instruction that are appropriate for meeting children’s needs.
Teachers informally share that information with parents through weekly notes, emails, phone calls and conversations. And they formally share information with family members in January and again in June in the form of detailed, research-based progress reports (all families also meet with teachers in October to review their child’s transition into the school or a new classroom, set shared goals and determine assessment and communication strategies). Brown Fox Point closes for a day each January to enable teachers to meet with family members and discuss their child's progress. However, family members don't need to wait for progress report time to request a conference. Teachers can schedule a time to meet with families if they have questions or concerns about their child, or if they simply want more information about their development.
On occasion, a child’s teacher or the Executive Director may request to meet with a family regarding our assessment of their child. Our goal is to work together for a successful outcome by sharing information about what is happening with the child both at Brown Fox Point and at home and planning together proactive next steps in both contexts. Based on our follow-up meetings, we may decide to adjust our curriculum, to suggest ideas for supporting your child at home or to seek outside assistance through referrals for professional evaluation.
What is the Function of the Assessment?
(From the NAEYC position statement)
Make sound decisions about teaching and learning
Identify significant concerns that may require focused intervention
Help programs improve their educational and developmental interventions
Share information with others
Plan professional development opportunities for staff

How Do We Document Children’s Development?
running records
anecdotal observations
rating scales
journal/notebook entries
Children’s Work
work samples (art, writing, etc.)
captioned photographs
audio tapes
video tapes
child-created books
child interviews
parent/guardian interviews
child-to-child survey
What/Who Should Be Assessed Each Week?
Every individual child, alone, one-on-one, in small groups, with adults
Instructional groups of children
The entire classroom as a whole
Your classroom’s curriculum, environment, family engagement, etc.
Brown Fox Point’s program