Family Association
Brown Fox Point has a Family Association whose mission is "to promote a sense of community in the school and to develop and support enrichment programs and services for our children and families." The Family Association sponsors potluck dinners and picnics, and raises funds for a summer arts enrichment program and field trips. The Family Association meets as needed at the Center to plan workshops and family events. All families are encouraged to participate in the Family Association and to consider a leadership role.
General responsibilities of the Family Association, include:
Establishing the purpose of the Family Associations meetings
Planning and organizing a series of family focused workshops
Selecting and organizing fundraising activities and events, for example: bake sales, pot luck dinners, picnics, and the Family Fun Day and Auction
Establish Classroom Representatives to ensure that each classroom is represented equally on the Association
Plan and organize the Annual Teacher Appreciation activities

Additional Resources and Activities
Family Handbook
The Handbook for Families provides all important information about Brown Fox Point (policies, goals, operating procedures, etc.) in one reference document. Click here to download the 2022-23 family handbook.
Lending Library
Brown Fox Point has a lending library for family members with books on parenting, early childhood and many other topics, which are available to check out in the main office. We also have a selection of children's books dealing with sensitive topics. If you are looking for information on a particular subject, please feel free to browse our family area in the office. Materials from the lending library may be borrowed for one month.
Family Workshops
Brown Fox Point hosts evening workshops for adult family members on a variety of topics usually from 5:30 to 7 p.m. during the school year. Information about upcoming events will be distributed in advance and childcare will be provided. Please feel free to suggest topics that are of interest to you and your family.
More Support
Brown Fox Point maintains relationships with many organizations and individuals that provide additional resources and opportunities for families with young children. We work closely with organizations such as the Providence Public School Department, the Fox Point branch of the Providence Public Library, the Rhode Island Department of Education’s early childhood office and many others. We also have ongoing relationships with experienced experts in the field of early childhood. We strongly encourage you to let us know if you have any questions about your child’s developmental, health, mental health, behavior and future educational needs so we can put you in contact with these beneficial resources.